Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's finally here!

It's finally here. Needless to say, I'm over here about to hyperventilate. I can't tell if it's excitement or just shock. I feel like everything got here so quickly, yet, it also felt entirely too slow.

So, today I will meet with a few of my girl's from college group and then I will head to the airport! Once again, I want to say THANK YOU to every single person who has supported me throughout all of this. I love you all and I continue to desire that support. Keep me in your thoughts as I go on this adventure! (Oh and don't forget you can still donate to my trip at ) ;) haha!

I am excited about what's happening and I can't wait to land tomorrow! I will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible!

Here's to another summer adventure! It's going to be awesome!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In awe! (2 days!)

This past week home has been the most amazing week for me. I have been so incredibly blessed in so many ways. I have laughed like never before, I have cried, I have made steps that have without a doubt changed my entire life. I know that all of this has been preparation for what's to come.

Only two days. It feels unreal to even say that. I can't believe that I am about to do this. All night last night during prayer, I just kept laughing and saying "we're really doing this, aren't we?" I just can't wrap my mind around it. I've pretty much dreamed about this my whole life, I just never thought it a possibility.

I just want to say, I have seen the Father provide in ways that I cannot explain to you. Not only financially, but spiritually and emotionally. He has done some major healing in my heart and that has been worth far more than anything else. Today was just kind of the cap on all of that and I feel so released to walk forward on this adventure. His timing is so perfect! I am so excited!

Mostly, I just wanted to encourage you guys today that whatever God is bringing you through, there is a glorious outcome at the end. It's been said a million times, but today I sit in awe because I see it's truth in so many ways. I am so grateful for his unbelievable and amazing love.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

In the single digits!

Right before you leave is always the hardest. You always start having these amazing last few days at home and you wonder what it will be like when you return. Part of you starts to worry that everything will change and you'll come home and be left out. I always have a moment where I wonder .."will I regret leaving?" I think right now I'm having a moment where I see how different choices made my life look completely different than others would have. Even though there's a part of me that for some reason wants to stay, there's a bigger part that knows I will look back and wonder "what would have happened if I would've went?" I think when these moments come, that's when I know God is doing something HUGE. It's when I know he's about to flip my world upside down.

I'm in the single digits for the countdown to departure! I can't believe how close it is (I've actually begun the packing process! CRAZY!) I feel preparation is here and it's eye opening. There's been a lot of making peace with the past this week and that has been like medicine to my heart. I've been desperate for that for such a long time.

All of this now indicates to me that God is moving me forward. I know He has something great for me on this trip and I know that it will change me. While a part of my heart is sad, there is a bigger part welcoming the change, knowing that I won't necessarily lose what I have now, but that I will see it differently. I think I need that. I think I need that more than anything.

So here's to EIGHT DAYS until departure! I can't wait to set off on this adventure with my amazing savior.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's so close!

We're at TWELVE DAYS! (Actually eleven, since it's after midnight!) I don't think the reality has really hit me yet. I know that it probably won't until I'm on the plane and on my way! I can't believe it's almost here!

I still need a little bit more money and I haven't even started thinking about packing and all of that. I am a procrastinator

Anyway, I trust God and I know He has so much in store. These past two weeks have been the craziest, hardest and yet best weeks of my life. God has taught me so much. I feel so full and I am glad that's the state I'm traveling in.

Thanks for all of the prayers and continued support! You guys are AWESOME!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Plane ticket: ✔

Today I bought my plane ticket. I was stressing out trying to make sure that I got things exactly like I wanted them and in my timing. I learned my lesson. My timing is not always the Lord's and he has much better plans. I was able to get a cheaper flight, (praise the Lord) with less layover time! I am so excited!

Rather than leaving on Aug. 3... I am now leaving on Aug. 6! It worked out better that way anyway! I am so excited about my trip! God has really been doing some awesome stuff in my heart to prepare me for this, I can't wait to see what else he has in store!

As most of you know, I'm still raising support for food/travel while I'm there! You can donate via Paypal on the right side of this page (you do not need a paypal account to donate!) You guys have been so generous and I am so blessed by all you've done! I love you all!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Charlotte 2011 Update

In my last post I gave you a small idea about my trip into inner city Charlotte. I wanted to take some time and go deeper into what happened. Since I posted a video on facebook (which I will put on here as well) I had a few people asking questions about that week.

Going into the trip, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. Although I've been to Charlotte several times to work alongside Youth With a Mission, this trip we were working with the Charlotte Eagles. The Charlotte Eagles are a soccer ministry who uses soccer as a bridge to reach people all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On this particular trip, we worked with a paticular couple and went into their neighborhood to minister. This couple had chosen to give up everything including what is seen as a "safe" and "comfortable" life in order to live among children who are suffering from loveless home lives and many lack the everyday necessities that we take for granted. I was amazed to see how quickly they responded when our group arrived. I came into the trip a bit late due to a wedding I was in and so I expected many of the kids to act strange since I was coming in late. Rather than being weary of a new girl, I can recall those who ran to me and jumped in my arms, immediately telling me I was their best friend. There were children from so many nationalities and religions, but their response to us was the same, they were screaming for love and I watched in awe as the kids in my group gave them far more love than is humanly possible.

Courageous Youth (my childhood youth group) that I traveled with is full of middle school/high school kids who are some of the most loving people I've ever met. As someone who has been on a few trips over the years, I can say that this particular group blessed my heart in a way that none ever has. Watching them cry when leaving these children broke my heart, seeing them pray for them and beg God on their behalf was beyond incredible. The Lord placed a compassion in all of us that I can't even explain.

Most of this trip consisted of loving on these kids. We told them Bible stories, did crafts with them and prayed with them. Although to many people it sounds so simple, I can honestly say that it was. There have been many "missionaries" come into that neighborhood and hand out things, but leave without ever speaking to the children. To have a group come in and play with them was HUGE for them. Just a game of soccer or dodge ball made their day.

As we shared at Church yesterday, a few people said something that really hit me. "These kids just wanted their name to be called". I think that was true about everyone on that trip. Those kids wanted to hear us be personal with them, love on them and get to know them. As for Courageous, we wanted to hear God call our name, to use us and to let us be his body. I was amazed to see so many young people walk into their destiny and into the life God has called them to live. I am so excited about the fruit of that trip!

As I said before, I feel that this trip was a launch pad for me. As I prepare to leave in a little over a month, I am excited about what the Lord will do in Israel. I have no doubt that it is going to look very different from Charlotte, but I am one hundred percent sure that it is just as important to the Lord. Once again, thanks for your love and support. Continue to pray for me and with me about the finances, that the Lord will continue to bring them in!

Love, Ashlin

Friday, June 24, 2011

Time is flying!

It's getting closer. Jordan is leaving for Haiti in a matter of hours and it's starting to hit me that in a little over a month, I will be leaving as well. I'm still praying for finances and I know the Lord has it under control, so as always I have to remind myself that God's reality is not mine. I am excited about what God is doing. I just got back from a short trip to Charlotte, NC to minister to inner city children and was so blown away and blessed by what God did. I think that trip was just a small preview into what God is going to do in my life this summer. So much has happened in the last week and I haven't had ANY time to process. I am about to go CRAZY! I definitely need to get some time away with the Lord and talk about all that has and is happening.

I hope this finds you well and I ask that you would continue to pray. Know that God is doing AWESOME things and I am so excited and grateful for all of you and your participation and partnership in this trip!

Love, Ashlin

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mid-May Update.

Things are coming along. It feels like it's a slow process, but I know it's going to go a lot faster than expected. If I have learned anything it is this:

Don't look up airline tickets or fill out applications when you're running on small amounts of sleep.

It's been a busy weekend and I haven't had much time for sleep, therefore it kind of makes one a little bit emotional. Nevertheless, God is moving and has revealed so much over these past few days. We had a conference at church and I have been amazed and how God has just spoken and has done some pretty crazy stuff. I'm excited about His Kingdom and how he is leading this whole thing.

As things continue to progress, I hope to keep you updated. Thanks for all of your support and love! You guys are awesome!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friends and Family,
Thanks for checking out this blog. Still working on summer plans and will be sure to update when I know more! Thanks for all you are doing and all the support that you are sending. Love you all!