Thursday, July 28, 2011

In the single digits!

Right before you leave is always the hardest. You always start having these amazing last few days at home and you wonder what it will be like when you return. Part of you starts to worry that everything will change and you'll come home and be left out. I always have a moment where I wonder .."will I regret leaving?" I think right now I'm having a moment where I see how different choices made my life look completely different than others would have. Even though there's a part of me that for some reason wants to stay, there's a bigger part that knows I will look back and wonder "what would have happened if I would've went?" I think when these moments come, that's when I know God is doing something HUGE. It's when I know he's about to flip my world upside down.

I'm in the single digits for the countdown to departure! I can't believe how close it is (I've actually begun the packing process! CRAZY!) I feel preparation is here and it's eye opening. There's been a lot of making peace with the past this week and that has been like medicine to my heart. I've been desperate for that for such a long time.

All of this now indicates to me that God is moving me forward. I know He has something great for me on this trip and I know that it will change me. While a part of my heart is sad, there is a bigger part welcoming the change, knowing that I won't necessarily lose what I have now, but that I will see it differently. I think I need that. I think I need that more than anything.

So here's to EIGHT DAYS until departure! I can't wait to set off on this adventure with my amazing savior.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's so close!

We're at TWELVE DAYS! (Actually eleven, since it's after midnight!) I don't think the reality has really hit me yet. I know that it probably won't until I'm on the plane and on my way! I can't believe it's almost here!

I still need a little bit more money and I haven't even started thinking about packing and all of that. I am a procrastinator

Anyway, I trust God and I know He has so much in store. These past two weeks have been the craziest, hardest and yet best weeks of my life. God has taught me so much. I feel so full and I am glad that's the state I'm traveling in.

Thanks for all of the prayers and continued support! You guys are AWESOME!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Plane ticket: ✔

Today I bought my plane ticket. I was stressing out trying to make sure that I got things exactly like I wanted them and in my timing. I learned my lesson. My timing is not always the Lord's and he has much better plans. I was able to get a cheaper flight, (praise the Lord) with less layover time! I am so excited!

Rather than leaving on Aug. 3... I am now leaving on Aug. 6! It worked out better that way anyway! I am so excited about my trip! God has really been doing some awesome stuff in my heart to prepare me for this, I can't wait to see what else he has in store!

As most of you know, I'm still raising support for food/travel while I'm there! You can donate via Paypal on the right side of this page (you do not need a paypal account to donate!) You guys have been so generous and I am so blessed by all you've done! I love you all!
